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Written By Sami Sharif

Do Employers Care About Gaps in Your CV? Get the Answers Here!

When applying for a job, having a gap in your resume can be intimidating. It might make you feel different from others looking for work, and you might even wonder if employers notice CV gaps.

Employers look at gaps when deciding whether or not to hire someone, but there are ways to deal with them positively. In this guide, we’ll talk about how employers look at gaps in resumes and give tips on discussing them in an interview. We’ll also look at common ways to use gaps on a resume and offer advice on making them work for you.

What is a Resume Gap, and How Does it Affect Your Job Search?

Maintaining a steady employment history is essential for landing the ideal job. However, what happens when there is a gap in your job history?

What is a Resume Gap?

A resume gap, or career break, is when you are unemployed, which appears on your employment history.

There are many reasons why these things can happen, such as:

  • Personal reasons, such as taking time off to care for a family member, raise children, or address a health issue

  • Professional reasons like being laid off, quitting a job without having another one lined up, or taking time off to get more education or training are all excellent reasons to take time off.

  • Things outside your control, like a recession or pandemic, can make finding work in your field challenging.

How Does a Resume Gap Affect Your Job Search?

A gap in your employment history can impact your job search in several ways.


Employers may view a gap in your employment history as cause for alarm because it could mean something is wrong with your work ethic, skills, or personality.

Skills and Knowledge

The longer your resume gap is, the more likely your skills and knowledge in your field need to be updated. This makes you less appealing to potential employers.


Taking time off from work can affect your sense of self-worth, making it hard to talk to potential employers about your skills and experiences interestingly.

How to Address a Resume Gap

Fortunately, there are ways to effectively address a resume gap and minimise its effect on your job search:

Be Honest

It’s important, to be honest about why you weren’t working, but you should also talk about what you did during that time. Highlight any relevant volunteering, freelancing, or schooling you did during this time to show you were doing something useful.

Focus on Transferable Skills

If your skills might be outdated, use your time off to build transferable skills. These could be skills like managing projects, communicating, leading, or solving fundamental problems in your field.

Close the Gap

Don’t wait for potential employers to inquire about your absences. Instead, put it right out there in your resume or cover letter. Be brief and upbeat, and show how your time away from work has made you a better fit for the job.

What Factors Do Employers Consider When Evaluating Your CV Gap?

It’s essential to recognise that not all employers view CV gaps similarly. Some may view them as red flags, while others might see them as opportunities for personal growth or evidence of a candidate’s initiative. To truly understand your employer’s perspective and tailor your CV accordingly, take note of their perspective.

Here are some factors employers may take into account when assessing your CV gap:

Employers typically don’t mind if there is a gap in your CV due to a significant life event, such as getting sick, taking care of family members, or moving. But they might be less forgiving of absences that can’t be explained, like being unemployed for a long time for no apparent reason.

Length of Gap

Shorter gaps (like a few months) may not cause as many problems, but longer gaps (like a year or more) may need more explanation and raise more questions. Even long gaps can be okay if the reason is valid. The candidate can show how they used that time to improve relevant skills or pursue personal interests.

Relevance to the Job

Employers will look at a candidate’s gap to see if it has anything to do with the job they are applying for. For example, they took a year off to focus on writing and now seek content-writing jobs. In that case, employers may see that as a plus because it shows their passion and commitment to the field.

Skills and Experience Acquired

Employers may want to see proof that the candidate used their time off to learn new skills or gain relevant experiences, such as taking classes, volunteering, freelancing, or working on personal projects that show relevant skills and knowledge.

Job seekers may worry about gaps in their CVs, but it’s important to remember that employers have their own ideas. By understanding what employers look for when reviewing your CV and presenting it in the best light possible, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Conclusion: The Impact of Gaps in Your CV on Your Career Prospects

Gaps in your CV can have a major effect on your career prospects. Employers often view them as “red flags,” questioning your commitment, dependability, and skillset. But it’s important to remember that not all gaps are the same. Short gaps may not cause much concern, while longer or unexplained ones could raise serious problems.

To minimise the negative consequences of gaps, addressing them promptly, providing detailed explanations, and highlighting your skills, experience, and achievements are essential. Utilise this time as an opportunity for upskilling or volunteering to stay productive and relevant. Furthermore, networking and building relationships with potential employers can help you tackle the challenges presented by a CV gap.

Finally, gaps in your CV don’t have to mean the end of your career prospects. But being proactive and honest with potential employers is essential to show them why you’d be a good employee.