Razorpoint – Leading Technology Recruitment Company


What Every Candidate Should Know Before Accepting a Counteroffer

Written By Sami Sharif What Every Candidate Should Know Before Accepting a Counteroffer Accepting a counteroffer can be tempting for job seekers, but it is essential to understand its implications of doing so. Before taking any offer from an employer, it is critical to carefully consider all factors and gain complete insight into what you […]

Do Employers Care About Gaps in Your CV? Get the Answers Here!

Written By Sami Sharif Do Employers Care About Gaps in Your CV? Get the Answers Here! When applying for a job, having a gap in your resume can be intimidating. It might make you feel different from others looking for work, and you might even wonder if employers notice CV gaps. Employers look at gaps […]

What to Do If You Never Receive a Response to Your Job Application?

Written By Sami Sharif What to Do If You Never Receive a Response to Your Job Application? Have you ever sent out countless job applications without receiving a response from any of them? The lack of a response can be frustrating and make job seekers wonder if their time and effort were wasted on applications […]

Hiring the Best Software Engineers: Strategies and Tips for Success

Written By Sami Sharif Hiring the Best Software Engineers: Strategies and Tips for Success Software engineers play a critical role in the success of any technology company or project. They are responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications, and their work is crucial in ensuring the smooth operation of businesses and organizations. However, […]

Unsuccessful Candidates Deserve Feedback: Here’s Why!

Written By Sami Sharif Unsuccessful Candidates Deserve Feedback: Here’s Why! Companies that hire people and then reject them often need to pay more attention to giving feedback. This can be a missed chance for both the candidate and the company. Companies help candidates improve their skills by giving them constructive feedback, making it more likely […]

How to Hire More Inclusively

Written By Sami Sharif How to Hire More Inclusively Since founding Razorpoint in 2020 one of our main missions has been to help solve the problem of a lack of diversity and inclusion in tech. We do this by educating companies, mentoring tech professionals, and sourcing hard-to-find talent through partnerships with like-minded groups. Our recruitment […]

Strategies to Reduce Unconscious Bias in Tech Recruitment and Hiring

Written By Sami Sharif Strategies to Reduce Unconscious Bias in Tech Recruitment and Hiring Imagine if your tech company could assemble a team of unique and creative people, each with its own point of view and set of skills. Unconscious bias can hinder recruitment and hiring, creating similar groups that need diversity and slowing down […]

Should Companies List Job Salaries in Their Postings?

Written By Sami Sharif Should Companies List Job Salaries in Their Postings? One of the biggest frustrations when searching for a job is the need for more salary transparency. Job postings often need to disclose how much a position pays, leaving applicants wondering if they will receive fair compensation for the role being offered to […]

Benefits of Remote Working: Why You Should Offer It to Your Employees

Written By Sami Sharif Benefits of Remote Working: Why You Should Offer It to Your Employees The number of people working from home has been increasing for years. The pandemic has drastically changed how we work, and more and more companies have adopted remote working to keep their employees safe and productive. In today’s digital […]